Komatsu Portfolio Advisors Company, Ltd. (KPA) is an investment
advisory company which was established by Mr. Toru Komatsu in
February 2000 (Registration No. 927 at Kanto Finance Bureau). Mr.
Komatsu has been in the business of investment of Japanese stocks
as well as research of world financial markets over the past
twenty years at leading financial institutions. For the recent
three years, he had been President & CIO of Prudential
Investment Advisory Company, Ltd. (currently Prudential Asset
Management Inc.) and achieved strong performances for the benefit
of American clients such as pension funds, insurance company and
mutual funds. Other directors who are supporting Mr. Komatsu have
also attained splendid achievements in their own respective
business fields.
KPA aims to provide accurate and timely investment advice by
using internet technology for Japanese individual investors who
have some experiences of equity investment, treasures of small and
medium-sized companies and overseas individual and institutional
investors. KPA not only publishes weekly commentaries but also
proposes a specific "portfolio which suits you" on the
basis of our diagnosis of your existing portfolio and in-depth
discussion of your investment purpose, risk preference, investment
style and so forth. We offer investment advice continuously over
the contract period. (The details of services provided vary
according to contract types.)
KPA's investment universe includes:
Growth stocks led by
excellent management teams
Excessively undervalued
stocks which are forgotten
Selected internet stocks
which are sure to leap forward