Introduction of Company
Investment Philosophy
Portfolio Construction

Toru Komatsu-President & CEO and CIO
1996-1999 President & CEO and CIO, Prudential Investment Advisory Company, Ltd. (PIAC, currently Prudential Asset Management Inc.)
1991-1996 Director and Portfolio Manager, PIAC
1991 Strategist, Credit Suisse Investment Advisory Company, Ltd. (CSIA)
1989 Manager, Company Research Department, CSIA
1987-1989 Securities Analyst, CSIA
1982-1987 Economist in charge of European economy and finance, Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. (BOT, currently Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.)
1979-1982 Officer in charge of deposits, debentures and foreign exchanges at various times, BOT
1979 Graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Chartered Member of the Security Analysts Association of Japan (CMA), Diploma of Portfolio Management Course at Credit Suisse Bankers' School in New York, "Asset Allocation and Small Caps' Effects in Japan" (Security Analysts Journal), "How Will Stocks Perform?----My View of Japanese Stocks" (Nihon Keizai)
Masao Susaki-Director
1993 -Present Professor, Commerce Department, Senshu University
1990 -1993 General Manager, Economic Research Division, BOT
1988 -1990 Councilor, Planning Division, BOT
1981 -1988 Departmental Manager, Deputy General Manager and Senior Deputy General Manager at various times, Economic Research Division, BOT
1977 -1981 Manager, Planning Department, Systems Division, BOT
1973 -1977 Vice President and Manager, Funds Department, Bank of Tokyo of California
1967 -1973 Forex Dealer, Foreign Exchange & Funds Division, BOT
1962 -1967 Economist, Economic Research Division, BOT
1962 Graduated from Waseda University with MA
"The Age of Yen, Dollar and Mark" (Toyo Keizai) and many other papers
David C. Descalzi-Director
2002 -Present President, SeaBridge Investment Advisors, Inc. (New Jersey, USA)
2000 -2002 Senior Vice President, Daiwa Securities America Inc.
1995 -2000 Managing Director, Prudential Insurance Company of America
1985 -1995 Vice President, Prudential Insurance Company of America
1984 Graduated from Stern School of New York University with MBA
Tadao Arai-Auditor
1991 -Present Representative, Arai & Associates
1990 -1991 CFO, Lehman Brothers Securities Company, Ltd
1987 -1990 CFO, Prudential Securities Company, Ltd
1986 -1987 Financial Comptroller, Citicorp Securities Company, Ltd
1973 -1986 Tohmatsu CPA Firm
1978 Graduated from Colorado State University with MBA
Chartered Public Accountant (CPA, Japan), Licensed Tax Accountant(Japan) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA, USA)